How to Wire a Andon Light

Wiring Andon Lights Made Simple

How to wire a stack light sells a variety of Andon Lights that can be ordered as a 110V or 24V versions. The wiring is slightly different for the two models. 

 24 Volt Stack Light Wiring

24Volt andon light wired NPN

To operate the red light you would connect the black wire to positive 24 Volts and the red wire to negative 24 Volts. This will cause the red light to come on. To make another color active connect that wire to negative 24V.  This would be considered NPN wiring

The red and black wire could be switched so that the black wire is connected to negative 24V and the red wire to positive 24V. This would be considered PNP wiring. Most lights sold by can be wired both PNP and NPN. Check the wiring diagram to confirm. 

120V AC Andon Light Wiring

wiring a 120V stack Light

Wiring a 110 volt Stack Light is similar except there are two extra wires that power the light. The other wires are used for controlling which color is on or off. 

For the 110V version, connect the black and white wire to the 110V power source. This powers the light but does not turn the light on or off. Do not connect any of the other wires to 110V power. This will damage the light. 

The brown wire is a common wire for the 110 volt light if the brown wire is connected to any of the colored wires, the corresponding light or audible alarm will turn on. 

Normally the common wire is connected to one side of a switch and the light wires to the other side of the switch. When the switch is closed the light turns on. 

In some situations a relay may be required. This normally is for cases where the light is replacing a older andon light that uses incandescent bulbs.  A relay can act as the switch letting higher voltage devices control the lights. carries a large variety of signal lights and industrial work lights. We are always happy to help answer technical questions or help you select the perfect light for your application. Give us a call!

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