Kaizen PDCA
Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning “improvement or change for the better.” It is a system devoted to continuous improvements. Though Kaizen is normally associated with businesses, the principles can be implemented into other organizations or even your personal life.
For Kaizen to succeed, it is critical to building a culture that encourages continuous improvement. When an organization is devoted to making even small improvements, the effects are compounded, and the results can be dramatic.
Many organizations that adopt Kaizen use the Deming Cycle or PDCA model to guide them.
PDCA - (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
Plan: Assess a current process and determine how it can be improved. Collect data to be compared to the results of the improvement process.
Do: Enact the plan and collect new data.
Check: Evaluate the before and after data to determine how successful the plan was.
Act: If the results of the plan were successful and improvements are measurable, then the plan is adopted and used as the baseline going forward.
The Kaizen principles have been adopted by manufacturers and their employees all over the world. This idea has changed the course of manufacturing and has been responsible for improving productivity and lowering cost.
Stack-Light.com uses the Kaizen approach in our manufacturing facility and we are proud to play a role in improving manufacturing by providing LED stack lights, and industrial task lighting.